The Different Types of Title Deeds

1⃣ FREEHOLD TITLE (Absolute title deed) :
This is the most common type of title deed.
Here the owner has the full maximum rights to the land without any time period or unnecessarily restrictive restrictions on what they can do on the land.

2⃣ CERTIFICATE OF LEASE (Leasehold titles) :

This is a title under the Registered Lands Act Cap 300 (repealed) for leasehold land.
It states that one owns land with restrictions and is subjected to a definite period (the maximum being 99 years).
It is usually given to an individual or occupant for a given period, after which they are required to renew the ownership time after time.

The occupant of the land is called the lessee, while the landowner is the lessor. The lessee is subject to annual payments towards the land that go by the name of land rates.

A sectional Title deed is issued to prove ownership for a unit within a building. When you buy a house in an apartment or a flat for example, you will be issued with a sectional title deed as proof of ownership.
It emanates from the Sectional Properties Act of 1987 and the title is deemed to be registered under the Registered Lands Act Cap 300.

The Act provides for the enforcement of Sectional Titles which bestow separate ownership of a unit within a group-owned complex or development. A Sectional title can be issued for an apartment, flat, maisonette, townhouse or for office units.

When It comes to PROPERTY OWNERSHIP , a Title deed is the ONLY document that proves the legal ownership of the property,hence making it the most important document in the Real Estate sector.

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